I have recently picked up a virus/trjan . Spybot shows it as kalvowv.32.exe
.. Spybot removes it but it still does it bis. it's not all thet bad it just
seems to create a few pop ups whilst surfing ,the main thing is i cannot
restore my winxp prof system i believe the trojan kicks in on restart and
prevents a restore . I have also tried in the registry through search , but
when i delete it just reappears , any susgestions .
Thanks !
.. Spybot removes it but it still does it bis. it's not all thet bad it just
seems to create a few pop ups whilst surfing ,the main thing is i cannot
restore my winxp prof system i believe the trojan kicks in on restart and
prevents a restore . I have also tried in the registry through search , but
when i delete it just reappears , any susgestions .
Thanks !