K8V SE Deluxe Mobo and Maxtor 120 Gb SATA disk

  • Thread starter Thread starter niels
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Dear all,

I am using a ASUS K8V SE Deluxe Mobo with a maxtor 120 Gb SATA
The hardisk is connected to the VIA SATA1 connector on the mobo.
When I start the computer it complains that it can not find the
hardisk. After rebooting for maybe 10 times and waiting for 5 to 10
minuted it finaly does see the hardisk and I can boot into Windows XP.

Does anybody else have this problem? Is it a good idea to use the VIA
connector or it is possible to use the Promise. I only have a single
hardisk so I have no need for RAID configuration.

Dear all,
I am using a ASUS K8V SE Deluxe Mobo with a maxtor 120 Gb SATA
The hardisk is connected to the VIA SATA1 connector on the mobo.
When I start the computer it complains that it can not find the
hardisk. After rebooting for maybe 10 times and waiting for 5 to 10
minuted it finaly does see the hardisk and I can boot into Windows XP.

Does anybody else have this problem? Is it a good idea to use the VIA
connector or it is possible to use the Promise. I only have a single
hardisk so I have no need for RAID configuration.


I've not experienced any probs with my 8KV SE D/L, I must admit I don't think
the Sata connectors are anywhere near as good as the old IDE. May be worth
trying another cable if you have not done so.

I don't use the Via controller mainly due to the fact the hard-drives leds don't
function, I have however been using the Promise controller for several months
without any issues at all. Some users have stated that the Via controller is
slightly faster but tests done here show little difference, I still get around
60Mbs on my 2 160g Diamond max+ drives (not raided) and the hard drive leds
work fine.


Thanks for your reply.
I have fixed my problem. First I tought the problem was the power
supply. But as it turned out I needed to upgrade the BIOS. Yesterday I
installed the version 004 and today I could boot without any problem.

Also I checked and the disk LEDs now seem to work.

Thanks for your reply.
I have fixed my problem. First I tought the problem was the power
supply. But as it turned out I needed to upgrade the BIOS. Yesterday I
installed the version 004 and today I could boot without any problem.

Also I checked and the disk LEDs now seem to work.


So are you saying the drive leds now work okay using the Via Sata controller?

I'm using the 2004 bios myself but not checked to see the leds work now.


I double checked last night and the hardisk LED's were blinking.


Looks like they fixed the led problem with the via controller then, that's good
news. Spoilt for choices now. :-)))



I have a K8V SE Deluxe using the 004 bios amd my HDD LED lights still
don't work. I'm using a single SATA drive connected to the VIA SATA
controller. I think Niels might be using a different configuration.
Niels- what revision is your motherboard?
