K12LTSP LINUX :No Antivirus required: and advantages

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Advantages of K12LTSP (OR LTSP):

1.Hardware cost reduced

2.Centralized install and management and administration

3.Saving on Electric power (clients could be low power consuming
processors like Pentiu I,no hdd, no cd-rom, system fan small)

4.Redundant server can be afforded ( which can be used for backing up
live server)

5.Users can login in any client to access their individual saved files

6.Software cost zero

7.Virus probability very very less.

8.Clients will process the input and display which can be considered a
type of parallel processing to increase the performance and reduce
burden on the server.

9.Less sound pollution (no hard disks making sound , less noise of

10.Less enviromental pollution (less power consumption )

11.Security (children or even adults cannot delete others files or
damage the system)

12.All users can have their own desktop settings no matter which
client they use

13.Almost all the daily use softwares, programmers tools and
interesting educational games are available .

14.Fedora (RedHat) users community, k12ltsp users community is helpful
to solve problems .

15.In future when the thin clients become popular, thinclients of the
size of a walkman may be available which will improve reliability much
further (very low power consumption, very low cost clients, space

16.Maintenance manpower is very less and no need of a seperate
administrator as the teachers or common person can do any routine
administration tasks

17.Computer users frustration is reduced because of so many defects of
proprietory softwares .

18.Clients are very lighter in weight. Even young people can easily
shift the clients.

16.Space saving by using small thin clients

17.Clients don't require Air conditioned or dustless rooms

18.New versions of software or new software needs only to be installed
once at the server.

19.Clients need very little maintenance(no moving parts,low power) .
Can be easily replaced with little cost.

20.Future proof and open technologies

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Actually an anti-virus would be required if you were going to set up a
mail server to protect your windows users who use it. Even if it was just
as a courtesy.
And your point..?

It's a K12 educational Linux distro which acts as a terminal server,
i.e., a thin client Linux system. I did a Google to find out.

BTW, avoid top posting and snip excess quoted material in posts. It's
considered good form on Usenet.
Actually an anti-virus would be required if you were going to set up a
mail server to protect your windows users who use it. Even if it was just
as a courtesy.

I think his point is that this is a thin client server based on Linux
for schools. Windows could be dumped altogether for less vulnerable
client software and hardware, I assume. I didn't research it enough
to tell if that's feasible, I just Googled to find out what it is.