DangedCompukers said:
i have an old computer i was fooling around with. it's win 2000,
unfortunately i accidently disabled the profiles and i can't access the
computer at all. everytime i load it asks me for a user name and password,
unfortunately the ones i know i disabled. i've tried everything to get in,
which of course is limited (what i know to do i mean). i'm sure there is a
way i could just wipe the disk and reinstall something i'm more comfortable
with, say win98. but i need some of the files i have stored there.
The easy answers are:
- For the password: Log on under the administrator's account,
and use the password you entered when you first loaded
Windows 2000. As a second option, log on under the
alternative admin account, and reset the password of the
primary admin account.
- For the files you need to retrieve: Retrieve them from your
If you do not believe in creating a backup admin account, or
in backing up important files, then you have to do it the hard
way round:
- For the password:
- For the files: Boot your machine with a Win98 boot disk from
www.bootdisk.com. Run ntfsdos.exe from
This will give you access to your important files (unless your
hard disk is corrupted).