JVC GRD-33U mini DV camcorder video not capturing

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I have been reviewing this board all night and cannot find the right answer
to my problem. I have my JVC camcorder hooked up to my HP Pavilion a410E and
am trying to capture video. I get onscreen control of my camcorder so that
connection works, but when I try to capture the screen is black and the
counter does not move.
The firewire port was built in, I don't know what its card is, etc (not
that techy) I have been able to capture video before, but it was a pain and I
had to defrag the hard drive to get it to work, that was about a year ago. My
husband may have upgraded to service pack 2 during the last year. He is at
work right now and I desparately need to download this video for a gift DVD I
am making that is due tommorow, any help would be really appreciated.
It is in play Mode, any other ideas? PS the firewire is not a card but part
of the motherboard
I have this same problem, have called and emailed JVC "customer service"
and have gotten no response from them, in spite of its being three times
the promised response time. The difference that I have is that the
counter responds and is correct; there is just no video in the preview
window via firewire in either the Pixela app or Moviemaker. To make
matters worse, Moviemake will not write to the camera via firewire, though
Pixela does. _And_ Movie maker takes about ten to twelve minutes (at
least) to get to 98% and then tell you that the camera has been turned off
(though it hasn't).
The lack of information on this problem, which seems to be _very_
widespread, is sort of appalling.

I'll keep my fingers crossed for all of us.
After consulting many sources, including the great www.camcorderinfo.com, and
getting basically a legal responce from JVC ("the instruction manual says the
firewire may not work with all computers" so there we are in the clear! Such
a bunch of crapola!) We bought a new firewire card at Fry's for $24.99 ,
There are several that will work, either ADS Tech or Adaptec, the key feature
is to have a Texas Instrument Chip. The firewire cards are usually in clear
plastic so you can see the chip on the card. Popped it in the PCI slot and
Voila, The Camcorder works like a charm.
Hopefully that will help everyone.
I have had the same problem on a couple of machines.....
I have a Sony Vaio that worked fine until updated with SP2 then unable to
capture, black preview screen...
Also have a clone built that did the same thing from day one.
Here is the solution....not a solution but more a workaround.

When you open Windows Movie Maker or Sony Vegas (or whatever you use) to
capture video go through the steps as you might normally. When camera starts
playing and NOT previewing simply unplug the camera and plug back in very
quickly.....The video preview window will now display and record properly.
Once you have the preview diplaying properly you can stop the capture
process and restart if neccesary or open another app and capture there fine
too. Seems like the hardware bus just gets confused initially. If you unplug
for any length of time you simply go through the quick unplug / plug in
scenario and your back in business till the next time.