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No, use a right tab setting and separate your two lists by tabs.
Alternatively, use a two-column table and set the justification in each
column as you wish.

Charles Kenyon

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<URL: http://addbalance.com/usersguide/index.htm>

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If you mean you want the first part of the line on the left margin and the
second part on the right, you can use a right tab set on the right margin
and enter [First part][Tab][Second part].

If you have multiple lines like this you might find it easier to use a
table, with column two right-aligned.
Type your left hand stuff, click the "Left Tab" icon (to the left of your
ruler) until a "Right TAB" is shown, then click on the ruler where you want
the Right Tab (normally at the right hand margin). Then press the TAB key
and you are moved to the right to start typing your right-justified stuff.

Bill Foley