Justification of text concern



hi to all

I have 3 identical text boxes, one immediately above the other, in the upper
right corner of my report's header. The content of these text boxes varies,
depending on the recipient.

I want the output of these 3 boxes to be lined up on the left side, but I
want the longest of the 3 outputs to be as far right as possible in its text
box. In other words, the longest text should be right-justified, and the
other 2 texts should be positioned so that all 3 line up on their left edges.

Is this do-able?

much thanks

Marshall Barton

Victoria said:
I have 3 identical text boxes, one immediately above the other, in the upper
right corner of my report's header. The content of these text boxes varies,
depending on the recipient.

I want the output of these 3 boxes to be lined up on the left side, but I
want the longest of the 3 outputs to be as far right as possible in its text
box. In other words, the longest text should be right-justified, and the
other 2 texts should be positioned so that all 3 line up on their left edges.

The code may get a little messy, but, in a report, you can
use the TextWidth method to determine the width of the text
in each of the three text boxes. You can then use that to
determine the longest text and set its text box to right
alignment. Then adjust the Left property of the other two
text boxes and set them to left alignment.

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