Brian said:
Thank you everyone. Questions answered.
I looked on Acers site, and emailed them. There is another BIOS from 2008 I
believe. It's the one that pops up for my system. I'm thinking I will
eventually flash the BIOS. It's from the manufacturer. Microsoft apparently
supports those BIOS's. They will apparently still support my OEM - XP if I
flashed a BIOS. But if there are technical issues, I have to pay the fee to
Microsoft once everything is up and running.
Maybe that one would recognize more. I don't know. I can't get any technical
help, unless I pay a fee to Acer, warrenty is done and there is no Acer
forum. I found an Acer forum, but don't know if it's an official forum.
I havn't looked at the BIOS zip file. I don't even know where to put this
file. I don't think it is self-placing.
Anyone know where to find a BIOS too?....Windows folder? Program files?
Hidden files?
Can a person make a BIOS? Is this mapping out the stuff from AMD site you
speak of Paul? This would be programming. This is writing software, etc. That
isn't exactly what I want to do. So consulting that file, means mapping into
a definitive statement with coding. I just want to use the file from the
manufacturers site.
Flashing a BIOS: I was told by the microsoft rep that I'd need to re-enter
my product key. Does flashing BIOS's potentially tend to create problems? If
it's for a specific computer make and model, I don't see why I'd have to
contact Microsoft technical support and pay the fee to get everything going.
But maybe it's how OEM's work? The windows licensing situation?
You need to consider the risks, before flashing a BIOS.
If the BIOS flash operation is halted half way through (say your power goes off
in the middle of doing it), then the computer will not be able to boot. At the
very least, you should have two computers at hand, since you'll need the
second computer to call for help, etc.
So the BIOS, when flash upgraded, must be 100% functional, or the computer
will be "bricked" and won't boot. You would then need to pull the BIOS flash
EEPROM from its socket and replace it with another one.
In terms of risk mitigation, the first thing you do, is check to see if the
BIOS chip is socketed. This is an example of a PLCC flash chip in a brown plastic
socket. The chip can be pulled from the socket, and then a new one can be plugged
in. In fact, there is nothing wrong with the flash chip itself - the removal
and replacement just allows a person to get a chip from somewhere, with good
programming inside. So pulling this out, is the equivalent of using a USB
pen drive, without the convenience. By getting a BIOS chip from somewhere, you're
circumventing the fact that the computer cannot boot any more.
There is a nice tool to aid in pulling the chip from the socket. RadioShack
still seems to carry it. It fits diagonally across the flash chip, with little
hooks on the end that fit under the corners of the chip, and gives a grip on
the chip so it can be pulled upwards. The chip must be pulled straight upwards,
to avoid bending the legs.
I've pulled about a hundred PLCC chips from sockets at work, without any fancy
tool, so you don't absolutely need that tool. But you do need a thin sharp tool,
like some of the tools a dentist might have, to ease the chip out. The socket
grips the chip quite tightly, so it doesn't just fall out. That is why there
is a fancy tool to pull it out. To put the chip back in, you push it into
place with your thumb. Putting it back, is easier than pulling it.
A company that can provide new BIOS chips is . But there have
been other companies on other continents, that can also do it for you. If I
wanted, I could also fix a bad flash at work, since we had a $5000+ programming
machine for them, but I never needed to do that with my own motherboards. It is
possible a mom&pop computer store could have a BIOS chip programmer, but since
the machines vary in cost ($100 for specialized one, $5000 for a machine that
will program just about anything), you cannot be guaranteed of finding someone
in town to do the work.
These are some considerations, for BIOS flashing:
1) Does the BIOS file have release notes ? What does the BIOS fix ? Why use
the BIOS, if you don't know what it fixes ? The new BIOS could in fact
have worse features than the original one.
2) What have other computer owners experienced with the BIOS file and
tools provided ? Did they manage to "brick" their computer by using
the provided file ? That gives you an idea what risk you're taking.
In fact, some tools and tool flows, have a 100% failure rate (due
to incompetence at the manufacturer). It is one thing, to have the
ordinary risk when flashing (maybe 1% failure rate), versus a problem
with the provided tools, that fails for everyone.
3) Is the BIOS chip socketed ? Does carry blank EEPROMS with
your particular part number ? Getting PLCCs probably isn't that bad,
but some of the DIP EEPROM packages may be harder to find. You can also send
the original "bricked" BIOS chip to and they can flash upgrade
that. But that means sending a package both ways. The chip can be programmed
thousands of times, so that isn't a problem.
4) In terms of flash procedures, some companies give a Windows flash tool.
I consider flashing from Windows, to be more risky than flashing from MSDOS.
I use an MSDOS boot floppy, and place the flashing tool on there. (Some
companies provide multiple flashing tools or options, which is why you
may be given more than one option for doing it.) Since my MSDOS floppy reads
FAT32 disks, I've also put flash files on the hard drive, and accessed them
from MSDOS.
5) The first thing to do, is backup or archive the existing BIOS image.
The flash tool should have an archiving option, if it is a good tool.
If the flash tool doesn't manage to complete the flash operation with
the new file, then, *without* rebooting the computer, you immediately
flash upgrade using the archived file. *Never* push the reset button
on the computer, or do a control-alt-delete restart, without the flash
tool saying the BIOS upgrade is "100% complete". Because, as soon as
you hit reset, if the BIOS image isn't good, the computer is then bricked.
If the flash upgrade fails, then consider (3) above. You can contact
or any company that programs BIOS chips on your continent, and get them to fix
your BIOS chip for you. That may involve them shipping you a new one. Or you
can ship your old chip to the company and have them reprogram the original chip
to your specifications. The BIOS file you give them, must be "in the open", as
there are some pretty crazy BIOS tools out there, and it is just possible they
won't be able to extract the BIOS image from the file, to do the programming.
So, to make their job easier, you want to give them a plain BIOS file (power_of_two
size, like 262144 or 524288 bytes).
Anyway, that is a quick review of BIOS flashing and some considerations.
My recommendation to you would be:
1) Buy your new memory. (Say, add a pair of matched DIMMs, to the pair
of DIMMS you're currently using.) Try the new memory. If it is all
detected and works, then you're done. No need to touch the BIOS chip.
2) If any memory over 2GB causes "beeps", then flash the BIOS (using a
stable memory configuration). But only flash the BIOS, if the BIOS chip
is socketed. At least then, all it will cost you, is the $25 to $30 for
a new chip. If the BIOS chip is soldered directly to the motherboard,
you'll need someone who can solder (radio/tv repair shop), to replace it.
This is an example of a BIOS chip, soldered directly to the motherboard. The
manufacturer saves some pennies, by not having to put a brown socket on the
motherboard. Getting this off, with home soldering tools, can be a chore.
Much cursing and swearing.