Just Tried Knoppix!

  • Thread starter Thread starter Richard Steven Hack
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Richard Steven Hack

And the experiment is a rousing success so far!

I downloaded and burned Knoppix this evening.

Thing apparently detected all my hardware (although I think it
identified my old Dell monitor wrong - but it works) like a champ.

Detected all my Windows and Linux partitions and put them on the
desktop. Right-click and select "mount" to mount any of them is

What really blew me away was the ADSL configuration utility. This
thing configured my SBC Yahoo DSL connection in probably thirty to
sixty seconds! Unbelievable! Made the Windows Enternet 300 client
look like using a couple Coke cans and a string! Detected both my
onboard Broadcom Ethernet chip and my D-Link NIC card, scanned to
detect an "Access Concentrator" (i.e., DSL modem) on each of the
Ethernet interfaces, found it on the second one, asked me a few
questions (which I couldn't answer since I had no clue what it was
asking, so I just clicked 'yes'), entered my SBC user ID and password
and ran a browser and was on the Net! Absolutely incredible!

Detected and configured ALSA for my onboard Avance sound chip
automatically. Played some MP3's on XMMS with absolutely nothing to
do but mount the partition with my music files and click on one.

Ditto for Xine - mount the Windows partition with my music videos,
played them flawlessly - no configuration required.

Haven't tried configuring the printer but it undoubtedly has CUPS and
Gimp-Print drivers which thoroughly support my Epson Stylus C60, so
that should be a piece of cake.

The latest version (V3.3) allows you to store config files on a floppy
or a partition on your hard drive (FAT32 or Linux, doesn't matter). I
opted to store on my Windows D: drive - worked fine.

Takes a little longer to boot than a regular distro - about a minute
and a half or more - because it has to detect its hardware every time
it runs, but works beautifully.

There's a "cheatsheet" with a list of boot options for workarounds for
various hardware problems one might encounter.

I'm going to test Knoppix on the machines at City College and see if
it ramps up on them.

So far this is a really slick piece of work!

At least 900 packages installed on the CD, including Open Office V1.1,
CDRW backup utility, the Bochs x86 emulator, an error-tolerant version
of dd for rescuing disks, cdrecord plus DVD burning tools, ethereal
network traffic analyzer, GPG, GNU development tools, gnumeric GNOME
spreadsheet, gphoto digital camera command line client, the GIMP,
partimage partition image backup, jpilot Palm Pilot tools, k3b CD
burner, KOffice KDE office suite, mondo CD backup system, Mozilla
browser, MySQL database, Nessus network security auditor, NTFSTools,
Perl, Python, QTparted partition manager, VNC server, Samba, SSH,
Tcl/Tk, WINE, Xawtv TV controller, XMMS, Xine, other players, xpdf PDF
viewer, and hundreds more.

This thing rocks!
Richard said:
And the experiment is a rousing success so far!

I downloaded and burned Knoppix this evening.

Thing apparently detected all my hardware (although I think it
identified my old Dell monitor wrong - but it works) like a champ.

Detected all my Windows and Linux partitions and put them on the
desktop. Right-click and select "mount" to mount any of them is

What really blew me away was the ADSL configuration utility. This
thing configured my SBC Yahoo DSL connection in probably thirty to
sixty seconds! Unbelievable! <snip>
This thing rocks!

I tried Knoppix ... but could not get it to setup my ADSL connection
(which is connected to my USB port).
Sigh ... maybe I am too stupid to work Linux.
While strolling through alt.comp.freeware, dw was overheard plotting:
I tried Knoppix ... but could not get it to setup my ADSL connection
(which is connected to my USB port).
Sigh ... maybe I am too stupid to work Linux.

USB modems can be a hinderance to get working sometimes. Most of those
modems have both connection types though (Ethernet and USB) Buy an
ethernet card for $20 and plug it in, you'll be running on no time.
I tried Knoppix ... but could not get it to setup my ADSL
connection (which is connected to my USB port).
Sigh ... maybe I am too stupid to work Linux.

I got it working...which goes to prove that *nobody* is too stupid
for Linux ;-)
I got it working...which goes to prove that *nobody* is too stupid
for Linux ;-)

I'll accept the challenge. I can install Mandrake 9.2 and do most things
in linux as long as I don't have to type in a console or use a command

Is there a distro that will install programs by just clicking with a
mouse? Or a linux program that can be installed that will install other
programs for me (without have to install by typing something in)

Thanks, Mark
Kram said:
I'll accept the challenge. I can install Mandrake 9.2 and do most
things in linux as long as I don't have to type in a console or
use a command line.

Is there a distro that will install programs by just clicking with
a mouse? Or a linux program that can be installed that will
install other programs for me (without have to install by typing
something in)
Mandrake will do this as long as you use only rpm's. I believe Sinner,
or it may be DC, uses only rpm's. The site rpmfind.net is a goldmine.
You may be a bit frustrated, however, because of dependencies. I'd
encourage you to learn *at least* to use urpmi (command-line) and make
sure you have good source sites (easyurpmi -
http://urpmi.org/easyurpmi/index.php - another goldmine). All you have
to do is go to the site, select your distro and the sources you want,
then cut and paste the results into your console as root. From then on
you need to know only 2 commands: urpmi.update and urpmi (though I
would also encourage you to learn more...it's a wonderful tool) Urpmi
will download and install the files you want *along* with the
dependencies necessary for installation.

Believe me, if I can use it, so can you :)
Is there a distro that will install programs by just clicking with a
mouse? Or a linux program that can be installed that will install other
programs for me (without have to install by typing something in)

Also look into KConfigure which is a GUI front-end for the usual
configure/make/make install command line sequence for installing from

Found here: http://kconfigure.sourceforge.net/
While strolling through alt.comp.freeware, Richard Steven Hack was
overheard plotting:
Yes, I've seen the Web site and I want to try it, since MandrakeMove
costs the membership in the Mandrake Club.

Didnt we have this discussion already? It is free to Download, the fact
that Mandrake brings you to that page first is simply a SUGGESTION not
a requirement, if it was you would not be able to say NO and then
proceed to download it.

If you want to see the Club in action, try downloading something from a
CLUB MEMEBER site and you will see it prompts you for Identity
information, this does NOT occur for Mandrake Move.

Kram said:
I'll accept the challenge. I can install Mandrake 9.2 and do most things
in linux as long as I don't have to type in a console or use a command

Is there a distro that will install programs by just clicking with a
mouse? Or a linux program that can be installed that will install other
programs for me (without have to install by typing something in)

It is posible (with synaptic, kpackage, etc.), but if your aim is
working withouth knowing anything about the console and command line,
probably Linux is not for a good choice for you.
Since when? You can download it (MandrakeMove) for free.


You know, I THOUGHT it was free, and in fact I do remember a
discussion about this sometime recently. When I went to the site, I
was surprised that there was NO mention of free on that page. Very
tricky of Mandrake and I suspect it was deliberate because I was very
easily fooled into thinking the download edition was for Club members
only. I started assuming there was a boxed edition with the USB key
and a download edition for Club members. I don't usually make
mistakes like that unless somebody has been trying!

My mistake. I'll be getting it AND PCLinux.
Richard Steven Hack wrote in said:
Since when? You can download it (MandrakeMove) for free.
You know, I THOUGHT it was free, and in fact I do remember a
discussion about this sometime recently. When I went to the site, I
was surprised that there was NO mention of free on that page. Very
tricky of Mandrake and I suspect it was deliberate because I was very
easily fooled into thinking the download edition was for Club members
only. I started assuming there was a boxed edition with the USB key
and a download edition for Club members. I don't usually make
mistakes like that unless somebody has been trying!

I guess it could fool people. When you go to the download section, you
are presented with two (2) options, as follows:


I agree to support Mandrake Linux, please send me to the Mandrake Linux
Users Club Registration page

I'm already a member of the Club or plan on registering soon, please
send me to the download page

HINT ==> Pick the second option. };O)
On that special day, DC, ([email protected]) said...
I agree to support Mandrake Linux, please send me to the Mandrake Linux
Users Club Registration page

I'm already a member of the Club or plan on registering soon, please
send me to the download page

HINT ==> Pick the second option. };O)

Is there any English equivalent for the German "prust" (a sound made
when you start laughing while your mouth is still closed, which goes
like puffing and spouting, perhaps because you were chewing a bite at
this very moment)?

Gabriele Neukam

(e-mail address removed)
Gabriele Neukam wrote in said:
On that special day, DC, ([email protected]) said...
Is there any English equivalent for the German "prust" (a sound made
when you start laughing while your mouth is still closed, which goes
like puffing and spouting, perhaps because you were chewing a bite at
this very moment)?

There is, and it sounds eerily like the German version. }:O)
Yes, I've seen the Web site and I want to try it, since MandrakeMove
costs the membership in the Mandrake Club.

No, thats wrong
read the whole message. You could join the Mandrake club later, and
gat directly to the downloads !


I guess it could fool people. When you go to the download section, you
are presented with two (2) options, as follows:

HINT ==> Pick the second option. };O)

Yes, and if you go to THIS page -
- which just happens to be the MandrakeMove page you get from Google -
you see this:

The MandrakeMove Download Edition is already available for Club
Members! <=======NOTE THIS!
The MandrakeMove Boxed Edition is available for immediate order at
MandrakeStore.com. The Boxed Edition provides the complete
MandrakeMove system, plus the capability to save configuration and
personal data to a USB key, plus additional commercial software such
as NVidia® drivers, Acrobat® ReaderTM, RealPlayerTM, FlashPlayerTM,
and MandrakeMove documentation.

Download the product sheet (PDF, 70 KB).
Purchase now at MandrakeStore

Where do you see the word "free" on that page. What I see is the
phrase "Buy Now!" on the top of the page.

NOW do you see why I was mislead? And why I think Mandrake
deliberately excluded the word "free" - or anything similar - from
that page?