Just Curious About Origins

  • Thread starter Thread starter Pop Rivet
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Pop Rivet

Like I said: Just curoious about the origin; of this

No, I don't mean 'how' it came about, or why, etc., but
rather who was/were/are the original -posters-? And
are they still around?

The amount of reliable and informative material on this
board is phenominal compared to most, including the
MS.Public groups as a whole. The information is
realiable, complete, and usually clear and concise. At
the moment Papa John and John Kelly seem to be two
extremely patient and knowledgeable people, and others
are equally as valuable in many areas. IMO only, so
please, if I"ve stepped on any toes, just put it down
to ignorance and lack of notice on my part.
I am of the opinion that, because of, and due to,
the writings here, the whole group remains calm and
reasonable. This is definitely one of the calmer,
gentler newsgroups around by far.
Now if we could only get rid of the sex spammers;
they're on almost every newsgroup there is now.
Eventually they'll get caught and put out to pasture,
but ...

Well, idletime's over for me - back to the salt mines.

Hi Pop,

The link on the Online > Newsgroups page page of my site.... the one to
newsgroup statistics and post research takes you to all of the historical

The first post was on December 17, 2001. My first post to it was June 4,
2002, about 1/2 year before the beta version of MM2.


Movie Maker 2 - www.papajohn.org
Photo Story 2 - www.photostory.papajohn.org

I am of the opinion that, because of, and due to,
the writings here, the whole group remains calm and
reasonable. This is definitely one of the calmer,
gentler newsgroups around by far.

You obviosuly are not aware of the history of the group to say this ;-)

This group also had its "teenage"... Not too long ago people were calling
names and slurring abuse at each other... pretty regularly... Helping others
was low priority compared to ego worship...

Anyway the good thing is it seems to have nicely matured out of its childish
period ...
Yes, I seem to remember that you were one of the offenders your self REHAN,
ordering people around telling them what they could say on their own
website...All of the MVP's and wanabee's soon shut up again after they had
their wrists slapped for the second time in roughly that many months by the
powers at Microsoft...I am sure that they will raise their heads again when
they think that they can get away with it...just like you are about too. You
may not have heard...I was told that all of the offending messages were
going to be removed...So I reset a newsreader and did a new download...guess
what...almost every message removed was from those nice wanabees who even
today do not have the guts to identify themselves....what were you saying
about matured again??

John Kelly
Pop Rivet said:
I am of the opinion that, because of, and due to,
the writings here, the whole group remains calm and
reasonable. This is definitely one of the calmer,
gentler newsgroups around by far.

I'd really like to see this impression continue, so I will be asking for
off-topic or inflammatory posts to be deleted to prevent a repeat of some
problems we had a few months ago. Let's focus on the many positive aspects
of this group, please, and not drag out old grudges from the past.

