Just Cause 2 and GTA 4 Complete Edition


Oct 26, 2006
Reaction score
Hi Guys

Not an issue I've been having but my brother has. He lives 75 miles away from me so I can't have a look into his system myself to see what he's doing.

Well he had installed Just Cause 2 via Steam and he says it loads and plays fine until near the end of the mission but then there is no video. You can hear the background, just no picture even though everything is connected, current and older drivers tried. He has an Asus 780 and the card is in right and the leads as I asked him to double check. He added that whenever he tries to load it now, it claims there is no video output.

He's also had problems installing GTA 4 Complete Edition. He said it installs the first disc with CD keys but then claims it can't read the second although the disc is mint without any marks etc. Bother the Blu Ray drive and the DVD drive has been used too.

With that said, I should stress that he also has Mafia 2 which hasn't had a problem. He's installed Steam to his 1TB Storage HDD and any other games has also been stored on the standard HDD after creating a folder for the game installation. He has a Corsair Neutron 240GTX SSD for his Windows 7 Pro 64bit OS.

Anyone else had this happen and any resolutions???

Thanks to all in advance
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If he can get to desktop and use it that way, you could use Teamviewer to take control of it, but whether that will help or not is another matter....

Cant help regarding the games though, is it just them that is does it to?
Thanks for the advice V_R. Yes it only has happened to these two games from what I know. Nothing's ever straight forward is it lol

I'll just have to have a look at the system myself the next time I see him I suppose as I'd rather inspect all the connections too. Shouldn't be a faulty card as it would happen to Mafia 2.
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Whoa. Looks like Steam has some issues. Problem with Steam players are occurring more often now. Yiesh.