Hey, good job on the app. I was wonding how long it was
going to take before MS jumped on this considering the
investment you put into getting everyone on the net (Using
. Here's a quick tip from an old schooler, when
defending a system against running applications as
tenatious as Spyware a method I've used to kill those
annoying apps which simply restart themselves is to locate
the offending file, use the built in greatness of security
to not only remove by to specifically deny (almost) all
access to the application. This way when you terminate the
app it has no rights to execute much less read it. By only
leaving the delete security ability you can then remove
it. When doing this with cascading apps it's important to
deney access to all of the apps before terminate them.
This way you can counter the all to familiar spawning of
alternate named and copied apps. McAfee hasn't even
mastered this trick which is why I STILL have to use this
method to get rid of tenatious virus files. This would be
nice to see since your app does not properly kill existing
spyware running at the time of a scan.
going to take before MS jumped on this considering the
investment you put into getting everyone on the net (Using

defending a system against running applications as
tenatious as Spyware a method I've used to kill those
annoying apps which simply restart themselves is to locate
the offending file, use the built in greatness of security
to not only remove by to specifically deny (almost) all
access to the application. This way when you terminate the
app it has no rights to execute much less read it. By only
leaving the delete security ability you can then remove
it. When doing this with cascading apps it's important to
deney access to all of the apps before terminate them.
This way you can counter the all to familiar spawning of
alternate named and copied apps. McAfee hasn't even
mastered this trick which is why I STILL have to use this
method to get rid of tenatious virus files. This would be
nice to see since your app does not properly kill existing
spyware running at the time of a scan.