Junk mail feature does not work well


George Mizzell

I have this monster on the internet who has unleashed a spawn of satan that
dumps 500 - 1000 blank emails per day to my email address. It uses about
20 - 30 addresses. I have added many of them to the Blocked Senders list
and only 1 - 2 % of the junk mail coming in gets detected and moved by the
junk mail filter. The names match up perfectly, it just does not catch

Also is there anyway to use wildcard features in the junk mail senders list?

Other than Osama, the person doing this is the only other person that I can
see a use for cancer. I hope they get it bad and suffer for years.


Milly Staples [MVP - Outlook]

If you have already updated your Outlook Junk Mail Filter via Office Update,
I would the add SpamBayes to your Outlook. The combination of a high filter
and SoamBayes has left me with only a couple of ones that get through and no
false positives. You do have to take the time to train it but it is about
the same amount of time you spend daily cleaning up the spam.

Milly Staples [MVP - Outlook]

Post all replies to the group to keep the discussion intact.

After searching google.groups.com and finding no answer:
George Mizzell <[email protected]> asked:
| I have this monster on the internet who has unleashed a spawn of
| satan that dumps 500 - 1000 blank emails per day to my email address.
| It uses about 20 - 30 addresses. I have added many of them to the
| Blocked Senders list and only 1 - 2 % of the junk mail coming in gets
| detected and moved by the junk mail filter. The names match up
| perfectly, it just does not catch them.
| Also is there anyway to use wildcard features in the junk mail
| senders list?
| Other than Osama, the person doing this is the only other person that
| I can see a use for cancer. I hope they get it bad and suffer for
| years.
| Thanks
| george

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