Spam being spam, I get constant junk from what appears to be the same sender. However whilst the Display name is the same, the email address always differs. For exampl
Today I got an email from "2 Night Hotel Stay" with the email address [[email protected]], Yesterday I got the same email from "2 Night Hotel Stay" but with the email address as [[email protected]
If I add both to junk senders list it blocks the addressses which will probably never get used again so that's not much good. I could add the domain but that might change too. What I really need to do is add "2 Night Hotel Stay" to the junk senders list instead
I've tried all sorts of methods but none have been effective so far
Anyone have ideas?
Today I got an email from "2 Night Hotel Stay" with the email address [[email protected]], Yesterday I got the same email from "2 Night Hotel Stay" but with the email address as [[email protected]
If I add both to junk senders list it blocks the addressses which will probably never get used again so that's not much good. I could add the domain but that might change too. What I really need to do is add "2 Night Hotel Stay" to the junk senders list instead
I've tried all sorts of methods but none have been effective so far
Anyone have ideas?