Junk folder



My junk folder used to catch 300-400 emails a day and then 2 days ago it quit
working and started sending all mail to my inbox. Looked at the configuration
and junk email is still set to high. I cannot get it to catch my junk mail
anymore. I did not load any new programs but Microsoft updates may have done
an automatic update that I am unaware of. I am running outlook 2003 with SP2.

Brian Tillman

CompUBuild said:
My junk folder used to catch 300-400 emails a day and then 2 days ago
it quit working and started sending all mail to my inbox. Looked at
the configuration and junk email is still set to high. I cannot get
it to catch my junk mail anymore. I did not load any new programs but
Microsoft updates may have done an automatic update that I am unaware
of. I am running outlook 2003 with SP2.

See if this helps: http://www.outlook-tips.net/howto/fix_junk.htm


Did not show the junk folder listed, but found that Outlook had gone offline.
Would not go online. Finally reinstalled my profile for exchange and got it
to go online and the junk email started working again. Thank you for your help

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