Junk Filter is JUNK



Jezz! What a mess - the Junk filter can't seem to be turned off. I've
clicked the top radio button (the bottom one seems to be the highest level
filter) and even so expected mail from ordinary senders is being identified
as junk or phishing with pink headers flashing. When I clicked the option I
thought meant send this innocent piece to my inbox the e-mail (an important
one) disappeared.

Vista is too top heavy with so called 'security' built in whcih can't be
optioned out. As well, I finding so much of the text used to explain
procedures and process incredibly complex - not at all simple and clear.

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Rick Rogers

Hi Edwin,

Tools/Junk Mail options, check the topmost entry. This one disables the
automatic filtering, and only mail received from those on the block senders
list will be filtered out. You may want to (re)check the blocked senders
list as well to ensure no one is on there that you want to recieve mail

Best of Luck,

Rick Rogers, aka "Nutcase" - Microsoft MVP

Windows help - www.rickrogers.org

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