So, I upgraded to Outlook 2003 after reading rave reviews about the built in spam filtering that catches 79% of the spam before it gets to your inbox. So far I'm batting .000 on catching which messages are spam. I turned the filtering up to the higher level where it states that it may even move some real email to the junk folder and still the filter has failed to catch a single spam. What am I missing?
Also, in past versions I have created a crude spam filter by creating a rule that deleted any messages containing "Viagra", "Prescription", "HGH", "Free Cable", etc. and it does, indeed catch and delete some of the spam I receive. However, many of the spammers now put dummy HTML tags in the message body so that "free cable" is "fr<sometag>ee ca<anothertag>ble". The tags don't show in the message and it gets past my rule. So, I decided to (in what I thought was a clever) way try to eliminate this by screening for the string ">ee ca<" hoping that the rule would delete the spams with the dummy tags. No such luck.
Does anyone know why this doesn't work? Any suggestions regarding the junk filter are appreciated.
Also, in past versions I have created a crude spam filter by creating a rule that deleted any messages containing "Viagra", "Prescription", "HGH", "Free Cable", etc. and it does, indeed catch and delete some of the spam I receive. However, many of the spammers now put dummy HTML tags in the message body so that "free cable" is "fr<sometag>ee ca<anothertag>ble". The tags don't show in the message and it gets past my rule. So, I decided to (in what I thought was a clever) way try to eliminate this by screening for the string ">ee ca<" hoping that the rule would delete the spams with the dummy tags. No such luck.
Does anyone know why this doesn't work? Any suggestions regarding the junk filter are appreciated.