Junk email list



I have an employee who has been dumping every junk email into the junk email
list. Now she is getting a message "unable to add to the server junk email
lists, you are over the size allowed o the server. The junk email filter on
the server will be disabled until your junk email lists have been reduced to
the size allowed on the server.
How do I clean out the junk email list?? One thing I found said to go to the
"GO" menu but I don't know where that is.

Roady [MVP]

Outllok 2003?
Tool-> Options-> button Junk E-mail

Robert Sparnaaij [MVP-Outlook]

Tips of the month:
-FREE tool; QuickMail. Create new Outlook items anywhere from within Windows
-Properly back-up and restore your Outlook data

I have an employee who has been dumping every junk email into the junk email
list. Now she is getting a message "unable to add to the server junk email
lists, you are over the size allowed o the server. The junk email filter on
the server will be disabled until your junk email lists have been reduced to
the size allowed on the server.
How do I clean out the junk email list?? One thing I found said to go to the
"GO" menu but I don't know where that is.


Take a look at:
Actions > Junk e-mail > Junk e-mail options > Blocked senders > Remove

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