Almost never means about 1 or 2 pieces of mail per week, and I normally
receive a few hundred mails each week.
As for how the rules are constructed, I NEVER use "through the specified
account" since spam can come in "through the specified account."
I use domain filtering (words in the senders address field), common words in
the subject, etc. I also liberally used the "Add to Junk Senders List"
option early in the beta and it seems to have stuck.
Milly Staples [MVP - Outlook]
Post all replies to the group to keep the discussion intact. Due to the
Swen virus, all e-mails sent to my actual account will be deleted w/out
After searching and finding no answer
Alan Garny <
[email protected]> asked:
| || One man's meat, another's crap.
| Well, it surely is crap for me. No doubt about it!
|| I find the Junk Mail rules work perfectly on my machine - I use the
|| High setting. It almost never catches legitimate mail and keeps the
|| junk mail in its junk mail folder. All other rules work as well.
| Almost never? What does it mean in terms of percentage? Before
| installing OL2k3, I used to have POPFile, which would correctly
| detect 99% of my junk mail. Considering that I nowadays get more than
| 200 mails that is junk (based on the last couple of days).
| As I have said in another message (which has been totally ignored
| like most messages that are about the junk filter and rules
| features), I first tried the low setting, but that was completely
| useless. I then went for the high setting, but was still getting bad
| results. I therefore went for the safe lists only setting, which
| obviously is the safest. Yet, it's not ideal, as I can obviously get
| genuine e-mail from people who are not in my safe lists.
| Basically, I wish M$ had had a better look at what's being done
| around in the world of junk filtering. They would then have realised
| that a technology that works very well (for me who gets more than 200
| junk e-mails per day) is a filter that implements a Baysian algorithm
| (like POPFile, for instance). Surely, OL2k3 doesn't have such a thing.
|| How did you construct your rules and do you use the "stop processing
|| more rules" option?
| I really don't see why this would matter. I mean that as far as I
| understand it, OL2k3 first determines whether a message is junk or
| not. Once it's done, it then checks one's rules. By doing the latter,
| it takes into account ALL e-mails, whether they have been classified
| as junk or not.
| Anyway, just in case... My rules that don't work are of the type:
| -------------------
| Apply this rule after the message arrives
| through the <AccountName> account
| move to the <FolderName> folder
| and stop processing more rules
| -------------------
| With this type of rule, I end up with some messages being moved into a
| folder, after having been classified as junk (and moved to the Junk
| E-mail folder) by OL2k3.
| Please prove me wrong. I am really more than willing to admit that I
| have been doing something wrong. All that matters to me is to get my
| rules to work again. Actually, I would also like the junk filter to
| work better, but I have the feeling I am asking too much here...
| Alan.