I'm adding a new 2nd hard drive for a friend.
The exisiting hard drive is a Maxtor Diamond 10 (200gb) and it's jumper is
set to Cable Select (this is & will stay as Master.) The new drive will be
the slave.
Since the master is set to cable select is there a need to jumper the slave?
All things being equal and no problems with installation, just rebooting
will recognise the drive? What do I need to do then to format and/or maybe
partion it?
I'm very computer literate but installing hardware isn't something I do
P.s. He hasn't bought the second drive yet, so I don't know the make and
The exisiting hard drive is a Maxtor Diamond 10 (200gb) and it's jumper is
set to Cable Select (this is & will stay as Master.) The new drive will be
the slave.
Since the master is set to cable select is there a need to jumper the slave?
All things being equal and no problems with installation, just rebooting
will recognise the drive? What do I need to do then to format and/or maybe
partion it?
I'm very computer literate but installing hardware isn't something I do
P.s. He hasn't bought the second drive yet, so I don't know the make and