I'm not sure if I can type my example here since its a diagram, so
I'll try to explain generally what I'm trying to do.
I made a tree diagram starting at the top with a question, which then
branches into two branches for yes or no - IF(question here,yes
action,no action). Now the tricky part is, I've gotten to a "no"
branch where the action is the same as a "no" branch that is further
up the diagram. Is it possible to tell the function to "jump" to
another section within the same formula?
I'll try to explain generally what I'm trying to do.
I made a tree diagram starting at the top with a question, which then
branches into two branches for yes or no - IF(question here,yes
action,no action). Now the tricky part is, I've gotten to a "no"
branch where the action is the same as a "no" branch that is further
up the diagram. Is it possible to tell the function to "jump" to
another section within the same formula?