Hi, I'd like to insert a hyperlink into windows mail - not one which jumps to
a webpage - but one which jumps down to another piece of text within the same
email - does anyone know how to do that? Thanks!
NOTE - I tried to send this in clear text but my news program said it
could not be sent with hyper links in it so I have applied ROT13 to
the critical parts. Just UN-ROT13 them to read.
You will have to be editing the email in "Rich Text (HTML)" mode
Click on the "Source" button at the bottom.
Locate the spot where the hyperlink is to go and insert this sort of
<n uers="#gnetrg">Guvf vf gur yvax gb or pyvpxrq</n>
(UN-ROT13 the above line)
The "target" can be any name that you want but must match the word
used below.
Replace "This is the link to be clicked" with whatever text you like
Go to the spot that you want the link to jump to and insert this:-
<n anzr="gnetrg"></n>
(UN-ROT13 the above line)
Make sure that the word you use to replace "target" at this spot
exaclty matches the word in this hyperlink spot.