Zvi Netiv said:
Upgrading IE/OE is good advice but just upgrading wouldn't prevent JS.Fortnight.
Yesterday I remove it from IE/OE 6 SP1 with the latest cumulative updates
(November 03).
Yeah, well that depends a bit on what you accept is actually JS/Fortnight
and what various whacked out, pea-brained, inexperienced geeks who work in
various AV labs mis-classify as Fortnight...
The "real" JS/Fortnight variants depend on the (now _very_ old) MS VM
(Java) Exception vulnerability. Some dorks at one or more AV companies
have, more recently, classified what most AVs know as JS/Flea (and some
other clearly different malware) as Fortnight variants too (Flea, for
example, depends on the Incorrect Object Data Type vulnerability).
What these malware tend to have in common is that, to get on a victim's
machine, they depend vulnerabilities in IE that give up "My Computer"
security zone access to code that really is in the Internet (or an even
more restricted) security zone. The "My Computer" security zone has
virtually no restrictions, so script code runs with virtually all the
privileges of the current user. Without prompting for such things as
permission to use ActiveX controls added to the fact that "My Computer"
allows use of FSO controls, the initial scripts of these malware can
do everything useful for installing new software, modifying the file
system and registry and so on...
Anyway, in my initial post of describing what you have to do to fix
Fortnight I drew the line at pointing out that it _also_ depends on
what AV you have as some AVs incorrectly lump all manner of other,
unrelated stuff into their Fortnight detection.
Finally, I'll note that the the VM patches may not (always and/or
depending on your OS) be available from Windows Update because of
ongoing legal battles between MS and Sun over "what Java really is"
and MS' alleged (cough!) anti-competitive tactics allegedly (cough,
cough!!) aimed at curtailing acceptance of Sun's "proper" Java.
In short, your best bet is to do all the Windows Update stuff _and_
specifically hunt out the latest MS VM install/udpate version and grab
and apply that _THEN_ restart the machine and run WU again (just in
case there is an update for _that_ version of MS VM. (And, if you're
smart, you should probably then grab Sun's "real Java" and install and
enable it if you want/need Java support...)