loretta said:
I'm kind of new at this. Yesterday my niece was over and
we were searching for pictures. We located 1500 jpeg
pictures (two or three times the number of the pictures I
have taken). Some are duplicated, triplicated. What is
Maybe the following info will help:
It happens occasionally to most anyone who
is trying to multiple select by holding the Ctrl
or Shift key while left clicking to select the
image files.
The copies are created when you fail to
completely release the mouse button before
you move the pointer to another file. If a group
of selected files is dragged...even the slightest
bit...the next mouse click will produce copies
of all the previously highlighted files.
It's somewhat easier if you have your Folder
Options set to Single Click...this way you can
select/deselect a file with just a mouse over
and you don't have to click. For multiples you
still have to hold...Ctrl or Shift.
No click...no drag...no copy...maybe that's
your solution.
If you wish to delete all the files in a folder
you could try the following:
Go to...Edit / Select All...or type...Ctrl / A...
With all files selected...go to...File / Delete...
or press your Delete key...or...right click the
group and choose "Delete".
John Inzer
Picture It! MVP
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