JPG, OLE, Questions on how to best use images in ACCESS

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I have questions about using JPG's in an OLE Bound Frame in Access 2003.

First off in my db table where my OLE images are set - some of the pictures
show Photoshop and the rest show MS Image Paint..... Why would 1/2 be one
program and the rest a different....????

Secondly I have never had a problem inserting images before into my OLE
Frame - but now all of a sudden the images are coming up as the file name and
the image is not showing?????

Now with reading all the posts - I have come to the conclusion that I don't
want to use a OLE to imbed my JPG's into my database records.... This far I
have gotten.

BUT I want 1 jpg saved with each record so that it's all together...I don't
want a seperate database of the images...

So perhaps I should say what I want to do - and someone tell me if it is

Save all my JPG's in a directory on my hard drive... NOT AN ACCESS DATABASE
- just a straight folder off the hard drive.
and in each access record save the URL - or destination of where each
picture is.... but have the image display when the record comes up. I don't
want to see just a path on my form.... I want ACCESS to go out and search the
path and view the picture when it finds it? IS THIS POSSIBLE?-- And if
this is possible - how is it done without clogging up the space....

I have looked into a product called DBPix 2.0 which I am still trying to
understand how it works - my understanding is it imbedds the image but it
saves it in a manor that doesn't clog up the file...saves it at a small size
in raw binary form.

My problem as it stands right now is I have a 1700 record database in which
I have OLE JPG's in place in about 1/2 of the database...I don't want to
start over re-inserting all those images.... So whatever I decide - the
biggest factor is how to handle all the existing embedded images...

I hope someone can help me in laymans terms.......
First you can export all of the embedded JPG images to disk. See:
NEW - Apr. 14/2002 A2K ONLY! This version
saves the entire contents of a table containing OLE Object Images to
disk based Jpeg files. User selectable compression rate. Version 1.5

To view Images stored in a folder you need to get the Filename of each
Image linked to a record.
Artvin has a solution here to do this:

Place a TextBox control on your form and bind it to the field containing
the Image names. Add a standard Image control(NOT an OLE Frame control)
to your form. Then in the Current event of the Form, use the field now
containing the Image's name to load the JPG into the Image control.
Me.TheNameOfYourImageControl.Picture =

Take a few minutes to read the KB articles listed here:


Stephen Lebans
Access Code, Tips and Tricks
Please respond only to the newsgroups so everyone can benefit.
Hi Stephen, I am trying to find out how to do as you suggest:

"Place a TextBox control on your form and bind it to the field containing
the Image names. Add a standard Image control to your form. Then in the
Current event of the Form, use the field now containing the Image's name to
load the JPG into the Image control"

I am sorry to say I do not yet understand how "bind it to the field
containing the image names" (I understand WHAT you mean, but not HOW). I
went to the articles you suggested, but they were for Access 95/97, not 2003.
Do you know of comparable articles for Access 2003?

I only have to be told or shown once! Please advise.
The articles apply to all versions of Access.

When you place a TextBox control on your form, you need to bind it(link)
it to the underlying field where it will display its data from.
In Form Design view
Right click on the TextBox control
Select properties from the popup Menu
Select the "Data" Tab
In the Control Source TextBox click onthe Drop Down area to the far
right edge of the control
A drop down ListBox will display all of the available fields that make
up the Row Source for this Form.
Select the Field that contains your Image names


Stephen Lebans
Access Code, Tips and Tricks
Please respond only to the newsgroups so everyone can benefit.