JPG Convert Question



On an XP Professional SP2 workstation with Office XP Sp3. When ever I try
to insert a picture from file I get a convert image screen asking to convert
the image to bitmap, jpg, etc.

The image is a jgp file and saved on a network drive mapped file share.
When i select jpg on the window powerpoint gives an error and does not allow
the image to be inserted. I realized that jpg's saved to the hard drive do
not have the convert screen open and insert into presentations fine. This
appears to be tied to how the network mapped drive acts in powerpoint. One
note is that once the image is inserted successfully into a presentation and
I try to insert it from the network drive it inserts fine as well.

Also, I tried inserting images in Word with the same errors. Also,
microsoft photo editor the default viewer suggests the file is not found when
double clicking the jpg on the network mapped drive. The image works fine
when its copied off the network drive and placed on the desktop first. The
jpg in this case is 4 folder levels down, all folders have short names and no
spaces or characters other than letters in the folder names.

I've tried duplicating the error on other xp workstations with the
configuration and can't find what's causing this.

Steve Rindsberg

PowerPoint and the other office apps don't have any specific problems with
mapped drives, though there can be issues with some network clients/servers.

Since it occurs over several apps, it seems that it's either a network issue or
a fundamental problem with the way Office and related apps work.

If you can't find a fix at the network level (updated drivers or the like) you
may have to live with copying files to the local drive.

It might also be worth trying a UNC path rather than the mapped drive path as a
test. Ie,

If drive X is mapped to \\server\sharename

then use

\\server\sharename\images\mypicture.jpg instead of x:\images\mypicture.jpg

Hope this helps


I tried the unc path right now as well as updating the network drivers,
disabling the windows firewall on the pc and a few other items.

I did catch this just now as well. We have a graphics person that was using
cmyk color mode settings in adobe illustrator to export tp jpg. The ones
that are cmyk are not working. The ones that are RGB jpg files are fine over
the network. I had the graphics person resave as rgb and the file is fine
over the network. We're currently doing this process on several other files.

A quick way to also tell is that folders with working images show those
images if thumbnails are turned on in explorer or while browsing for images
to insert in powerpoint. Files that are broken show the jpg default icon,
the ones that work show the thumbnail view of the actual image.

I guess this maybe a wider OS type of bug?

Steve Rindsberg

I tried the unc path right now as well as updating the network drivers,
disabling the windows firewall on the pc and a few other items.

I did catch this just now as well. We have a graphics person that was using
cmyk color mode settings in adobe illustrator to export tp jpg. The ones
that are cmyk are not working. The ones that are RGB jpg files are fine over
the network. I had the graphics person resave as rgb and the file is fine
over the network. We're currently doing this process on several other files.

So you're saying the same CMYK files work from a local HDD but not over a network?

That's seriously weird.

Steve Rindsberg

Yup... at least I know what the cause is. Now the question is... is there a

None that I know of. I'd like to see if I can replicate it on the
all-MS-Stuff-network here. Could you email me a very small sample image that causes
this problem there? email to steve at-sign pptools dot com

Include a reminder of what it's about ("CMYK JPEG over Networks, PPT Newsgroup" is

Also let me know the specifics of your network. Server software, versions and like


Sure thing, I'll send this over on Monday. I need to go back and resave an
image as the broken cmyk.

Steve Rindsberg

Sure thing, I'll send this over on Monday. I need to go back and resave an
image as the broken cmyk.

I'll be in and out a good bit and online via dialup, mostly; please make it a nice small
JPG. Thanks!

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