Universal Inquirer
Lately when I right click a jpg image file like a news photo on the
Drudge Report my 'save as" window opens and wants to save the file as
an untitled bmp file. The file has a name and it is a jpg yet IE6 or
WinXP SP2 or something won't recognize the jpg filename or file type
and only lets me save it as "untitled.bmp" Can anyone suggest what has
been whacked and how to un-whack it? TIA.
This does not happen all the time - can't pinpoint a common thread as
to when it does or does not. Also the wikipeadia.org home page has
stopped loaded completely - no left edge frame for searching etc. It
just hangs but does not stop me from browsing. Most other pages load
fine. As before can't pinpoint when it will or will not do this also.
Again -- TIA.
Lately when I right click a jpg image file like a news photo on the
Drudge Report my 'save as" window opens and wants to save the file as
an untitled bmp file. The file has a name and it is a jpg yet IE6 or
WinXP SP2 or something won't recognize the jpg filename or file type
and only lets me save it as "untitled.bmp" Can anyone suggest what has
been whacked and how to un-whack it? TIA.
This does not happen all the time - can't pinpoint a common thread as
to when it does or does not. Also the wikipeadia.org home page has
stopped loaded completely - no left edge frame for searching etc. It
just hangs but does not stop me from browsing. Most other pages load
fine. As before can't pinpoint when it will or will not do this also.
Again -- TIA.