(JPEG + VIRUS) + Microsoft Office = Danger !!!

  • Thread starter Thread starter George Orwell
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Guillaume wrote in message news:[email protected]...
Gabriele said:


Gabriele, tu es lourde.


mes excuses d' ecrir en anglais... verzeihung wenn ich auf Englisch schreibe:

Gabriele didn't write that.
This is a post from a spammer called "Hipcrime" aka "dipshit" aka "dippy"
but you may call it an idiot. She/he/it was trying to flood NANAE with
his spew. Since that didn't work, s/h/it (DipSlime) started crossposting
to random newsgroups.
This strategy works out better since NG readers complain answering to -for
some- canceled messages flooding with legit replies.

The best thing to do:
Complain to the originating ISP to secure their servers to stop this flood,
and ask the administrators of your news server to filter out the "HipCrime"
Just don't reply to those posts (keeps the noise down).

Please note that all knee-jerk replies to his crap don't actually stay in
the newsgroup they were posted in. They go to NANAE instead where:

a) they provide some amusement that people can be so stupid that
they don't even know where they're posting to, but mostly

b) they disrupt the nanae newsgroup - which was the original
poster's intention when it spammed thousands of newsgroups.

Please look up "hipcrime" in a search engine for more details and check who
you're replying to.

The following links provide more information about hipcrime:

http://groups.google.com/[email protected]
On that special day, Robi, ([email protected]) said...
She/he/it was trying to flood NANAE with
his spew.

Ah, that's the reason why. Thank you, merci for the information.

(For all who don't know: NANAE is one of the groups where spammers are
tracked down, identified and reported)

Gabriele Neukam

(e-mail address removed)