jpeg picture issues

  • Thread starter Thread starter KRisty
  • Start date Start date


OK- So I upgraded to XP, and now I can't view any
pictures on my CD, nor can I download the pictures off my
digital Camera(Kodak DC215) onto the CD, or anywhere else
for that matter. Normally you can right click on the
selected picture and there is a send to option-I don't
have that anymore, and I can't view a single exisiting
picture on my CD. ALso the files on my camera are no
longer jpeg's, XP changed them over to something else.
Can anyone help? I've been trying to send pictures to my
husband in Afganistan!!! Thank you!
You have so many problems, it is difficult to get started but I think
everybody will try to help.

1. You camera
You have Kodak DC215. I checked the Kodak site to see what kind of camera
this is. It is an older camera (please take no offense, in the digital world
anything above 2 years is old and 3 years is senile) and according to the
specifications you used a serial port to transfer photos from the camera to
the computer. I looked if this can be done with XP at
Apparently this cannot be done. The only available way to read the photos
would be to purchase a USB picture card reader and then downloading the
software available at the above site to read your memory card from the card
reader. The problem here is I don't know if your computer has a USB
connector to connect a card reader to it. So in order for us to help you
tell us a few things about your computer.

2. Your computer
How old is it?
Does is have a USB port?
You upgraded to XP, from what, 98, ME or 2000?

3. Your CD drive is not working and you can't read CDs. Again, give us a few
When you copied photos to CD, how did you make the copy. You use some
software like Roxio, Nero?
If we know this we can direct you to obtain the necessary software to read
your CD. The fact that your CD drive is not working would indicate that you
may have to go to the manufacturer of the CD drive and obtain a driver
compatible with XP to make it work on XP.

4. The files on your camera are no longer jpegs.
What are they?
I'll do my best- My computer is a HP pavilion xt926, it's
about 3 years old, and yes it has a USB port. (The kind
right on the front of the tower) I upgraded from ME(It's
what came with the PC)
In regards to the CD, the drive is working because I have
no other problems with other CD's. I have one CD that I
copy pictures from my camera on to it. I hate having
them on the computer in case it crashes. I copy them by
taking them from the camera, right clicking on the print
(icon) I want to transfer, and use the SEND TO option,
and I send it to the CD. Now it seems like the computer
is reading the CD, but none of my pics are showing up on
it. Not sure what the files are that are on the camera
now, they are coming up as a DCP.... file. (Digital
Camera Picture file maybe??? )
I hope this is enough info, if you need anything else
please let me know. Thanks again for your help! ALso if
I need one of the USB picture adapters, approx how much
are they and would it just be better to go buy a new
camera! Thanks
Great, we have a better idea of what is happening.
Upgrading from ME to XP is difficult because ME and XP are not quite
compatible and the drivers for ME will not work on XP, while the drivers for
2000 will work on XP. So if you have to upgrade drivers but you can't find
one for XP, download the one for 2000. It will work, but you will get a
message that it is not approved for XP while installing it, just click on
Continue to install.

Your computer is not that old and you have a USB port, so I would purchase a
USB card reader to transfer the photos. They are about $25.00 and once
connected you just read the camera memory card from it.

Your files on the camera are DCP.........jpg
This is normal your have DCP followed by numbers and then .jpg So everything
is OK there.

As for reading a CD made with ME, I cannot help here because I never worked
with ME so I don't really know. I hope somebody else jumps in and helps. If
not, post a new post and describe only this problem so somebody can help.
When posting again make sure you state that you updated from ME to HP and
give your HP computer model again.
Thanks! I'll give this a try.
-----Original Message-----
Great, we have a better idea of what is happening.
Upgrading from ME to XP is difficult because ME and XP are not quite
compatible and the drivers for ME will not work on XP, while the drivers for
2000 will work on XP. So if you have to upgrade drivers but you can't find
one for XP, download the one for 2000. It will work, but you will get a
message that it is not approved for XP while installing it, just click on
Continue to install.

Your computer is not that old and you have a USB port, so I would purchase a
USB card reader to transfer the photos. They are about $25.00 and once
connected you just read the camera memory card from it.

Your files on the camera are DCP.........jpg
This is normal your have DCP followed by numbers and then .jpg So everything
is OK there.

As for reading a CD made with ME, I cannot help here because I never worked
with ME so I don't really know. I hope somebody else jumps in and helps. If
not, post a new post and describe only this problem so somebody can help.
When posting again make sure you state that you updated from ME to HP and
give your HP computer model again.
