Jpeg Files

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I think I read a recent post that MM2 had trouble with jpeg files. I am
making a movie using still pictures that I am first saving as jpeg files (for
want of knowing no other way). Am I going to regret this for some reason?
mimi said:
I think I read a recent post that MM2 had trouble with jpeg files. I am
making a movie using still pictures that I am first saving as jpeg files
want of knowing no other way). Am I going to regret this for some reason?

I've never encountered any problems with importing JPEGs.

If in the unlikely event you do get problems, it's not hard (about 5 mouse
clicks) to convert them into bitmaps.

Paul Smith,
Yeovil, UK.

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Personally, I've had no problem with
JPEGs but I've read that some users
do have problems with JPEG (.jpg) files
and movie maker. Converting the files
to Windows Bitmap (.bmp) is reported
to correct that issue.

I don't know which software you're using
for your image editing but when you save...
you should have a drop window that gives
you a choice of formats to save in.

And...the following freebie will allow you to
batch reformat your images if you find it

Download XnView
Thanks! But at what pont to I reformat? If I wait until I "need to", will
it reformat the pictures I already have in the storyline? Or will there be
damage to what I've already accomplished?
I've not had problems with JPG files either, but read posts from some who

If you need to swap them out, you can do it without having to re-edit, but
you would need to put the new set of pix in the same folder location and
with the same names, including the extension.... for example:

1 - you use c:\images\picture1.jpg in the movie.. and then want to change it
to a .bmp.

2 - convert the file to a .bmp but name it picture1.jpg

3 - replace the picture1.jpg file with the new one of the same name, but
really a .bmp file.

When Movie Maker opens a project, it only checks that a file is there with
that name, and when it renders the movie, it takes the info from the file
and puts it into the movie... it never checks to see if the actual contents
of the image matches what was there when you put it in the project.