On Sun, 19 Oct 2003 21:56:57 -0500, Spoon2001 wrote:
I thought JPEG2000 is supposed to be a
non-proprietary format;
As far as I can tell, the full-fledged JP2 file format is as proprietary as
it gets...LuraTech holds the patents to key aspects of the wavelet
technology used in LuraWave. It's up to them how they want to dole
out the licenses. Viewers, browser plug-ins, etc. seem to be free to
use; creating (saving) documents without severe restrictions, as in
the case of IrfanView, require payment. Some fees are minimal,
others fairly stiff.
I think some projects for free or open-source JPEG2000 are out there, but
they either have to work around the patents or have to offer a version that
doesn't have all the real or imagined benefits of the true, full-blown
LuraTech version.
That's as much as I care to get into it right now, and some of the info may
be wrong. I just don't have any use for such a file format, i.e. one that
requires additional browser plug-ins, one that isn't used much by
others, and one that costs money to use in many instances without
providing worthy advantages over other existing free formats.