Is there any way to control the default format for the way the "duration" of
a journal entry is displayed? Some are formatted as elapsed minutes (e.g.,
357 minues), and some as hours and fractions of hours (e.g., 1.5 hours). I'd
like them all to be hours and fractions of hours. I know you can go in and
change the value manually. Are the default formats different depending on
the Entry Type? If so, I guess I could make every entry a type that uses the
hours and fractions of hours format.
a journal entry is displayed? Some are formatted as elapsed minutes (e.g.,
357 minues), and some as hours and fractions of hours (e.g., 1.5 hours). I'd
like them all to be hours and fractions of hours. I know you can go in and
change the value manually. Are the default formats different depending on
the Entry Type? If so, I guess I could make every entry a type that uses the
hours and fractions of hours format.