R roman modic Jul 29, 2006 #1 vistarionovich - a person who brutally forces other people to upgrade to Vista
G Guest Jul 29, 2006 #2 No one is forcing you to get vista. As far as wpf 2.0/DX10, IPv6, etc. These features are kernal-based coded, you can't write a patch for them. OS's have to evolve, otherwise technology would stagnate, whihc would kill the purpose of technology.
No one is forcing you to get vista. As far as wpf 2.0/DX10, IPv6, etc. These features are kernal-based coded, you can't write a patch for them. OS's have to evolve, otherwise technology would stagnate, whihc would kill the purpose of technology.
M Mark D. VandenBeg Jul 31, 2006 #3 Dude: it's a running joke in the thread; make up words that start with Vista. Laugh a little...