joining data from two tables.

  • Thread starter Thread starter Antonio
  • Start date Start date


I have two tables used to track employee productivity in
an office setting. tblMFFunct and tblChartPull. (The
difference between the two tables is tblMFFunct holds
summarised data while tblChartPull holds an individual
record for each job given to each employee on any given
day. So an employee will have a max of one entry in
tblMFFunct per day and up to 30 entrys in tblChartPull
per day depending on the duty sched) Between the two
tables a specific UserID for each employee relates the
two tables. The problem is the productivity report I am
trying to create.
Through a query (qryProductivity) I join the data from
each table based on the date and UserID. Then it comes
out on a report (rptDlyProd). The problem is, all
employees rotate duties. So on one day an employee will
have data to enter into both tables. On the next day the
same employee will have data to enter only on tblMFFunct,
but not the other. And vice versa. The reports (queries)
ive come up with only display data if there is at least
one entry in both tblMFFunct and tblChartPull. My boss
would like me to try to figure a way to come up with one
report vice two. But Ive been on this all and and cant
come up with a solution.
I sort of have an idea of what your problem is, but of course yo
wolud understand that it is a bit difficult to get the whole pictur
like that. Maybe if you post one or two examples it would be easier.

Having said that, I think that a Union Query should sort out you
problem. Have you tried this option
JoeGriffin said:
I sort of have an idea of what your problem is, but of course you
wolud understand that it is a bit difficult to get the whole picture
like that. Maybe if you post one or two examples it would be easier.

Having said that, I think that a Union Query should sort out your
problem. Have you tried this option ?