Join Types



I'm aware of the Inner, Left Outer, and Right Outer joins. I'm looking for
something a little different, if it even exists.

I've got a table (tblA) with Product_ID and Amount. I've got another table
(tblExcl) that contains a list of Product_ID's I want to EXCLUDE from tblA.
I know I can do a Delete query, but for reasons too lengthly to go into here,
I'm looking for an alternative solution.

Is there a join type that would EXCLUDE the Product_ID's in tblExcl from
tblA? I know it's probably a direct SQL command, nothing available in the

Rick Brandt

Kirk said:
I'm aware of the Inner, Left Outer, and Right Outer joins. I'm
looking for something a little different, if it even exists.

I've got a table (tblA) with Product_ID and Amount. I've got another
table (tblExcl) that contains a list of Product_ID's I want to
EXCLUDE from tblA. I know I can do a Delete query, but for reasons
too lengthly to go into here, I'm looking for an alternative solution.

Is there a join type that would EXCLUDE the Product_ID's in tblExcl
from tblA? I know it's probably a direct SQL command, nothing
available in the QBE.

Use a Left Outer Join from tblA to tblExcl and use a criteria of...

WHERE tblExcl.FieldName Is Null

That will return all rows from tblA that DO NOT have a match in tblExcl.

Dirk Goldgar

Kirk P. said:
I'm aware of the Inner, Left Outer, and Right Outer joins. I'm
looking for something a little different, if it even exists.

I've got a table (tblA) with Product_ID and Amount. I've got another
table (tblExcl) that contains a list of Product_ID's I want to
EXCLUDE from tblA. I know I can do a Delete query, but for reasons
too lengthly to go into here, I'm looking for an alternative solution.

Is there a join type that would EXCLUDE the Product_ID's in tblExcl
from tblA? I know it's probably a direct SQL command, nothing
available in the QBE.

This is essentially what the Query Wizards calls a "find unmatched
query". You can build it quite easily in the QBE window, but here's the
basic SQL:

ON tblA.ProductID = tblExcl.ProductID
WHERE tblExcl.ProductID Is Null;

Note: that is a query to return all the records in tblA that are not
matched in tblExcl. If you wanted to actually *delete* the matched
records, the SQL would be different.



Thanks for the help!

Rick Brandt said:
Use a Left Outer Join from tblA to tblExcl and use a criteria of...

WHERE tblExcl.FieldName Is Null

That will return all rows from tblA that DO NOT have a match in tblExcl.



Thanks for the help!

Dirk Goldgar said:
This is essentially what the Query Wizards calls a "find unmatched
query". You can build it quite easily in the QBE window, but here's the
basic SQL:

ON tblA.ProductID = tblExcl.ProductID
WHERE tblExcl.ProductID Is Null;

Note: that is a query to return all the records in tblA that are not
matched in tblExcl. If you wanted to actually *delete* the matched
records, the SQL would be different.

Dirk Goldgar, MS Access MVP

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