Table Users
FName(text), LName(text), UserID(number)
Table Correspondence.
Date(datetime), msg_From(number), msg_To(number)
Table Users Data
John, Quincy, 1
Jane, Doe, 2
Table Correspondence Data
2/2/2002, 1, 2
Ideally the query would return a Record that would look like.
2/2/2002 John Quincy Jane Doe
At first I thought I could do this with a simple join but then realized I
could only join on the msg_from or the msg_to and not both
if I right join I can get both but unfortunately I can't figure out how to
get both Users on one row.
I figure maybe I need to use nested queries???
Keep in mind it has be usable in an access DB so T-SQL is not an option.
FName(text), LName(text), UserID(number)
Table Correspondence.
Date(datetime), msg_From(number), msg_To(number)
Table Users Data
John, Quincy, 1
Jane, Doe, 2
Table Correspondence Data
2/2/2002, 1, 2
Ideally the query would return a Record that would look like.
2/2/2002 John Quincy Jane Doe
At first I thought I could do this with a simple join but then realized I
could only join on the msg_from or the msg_to and not both
if I right join I can get both but unfortunately I can't figure out how to
get both Users on one row.
I figure maybe I need to use nested queries???
Keep in mind it has be usable in an access DB so T-SQL is not an option.