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Good afternoon everyone. I am hoping someone can provide
some input on this or at least point me in the right
direction. I have a form customer Sign-In which allows a
customer to pick several options from a Listbox. The
listbox is from a different table then Customer, but have
a relationship from the Reason table. How do I make it so
in the customer table the person can have several reasons
in one field? Is there a way to join several fields into
one, like ReasonID (1,4,7)? Do I create another table and
relate it to the Customer table?
tblCustomer tblVisit
CustomerID CustomerID
ReasonID ReasonID
Date Date

I want to be able to pull the information to be used in a
query, form, or report.

Any help with this would be appreciated.
You never want to store more than one data inside one field. Each reason
should be separate from each other. If you need to assign multiple reasons
to one customer, then your Reason table should contain the CustomerID so
that you can assign more than one reason to one customer. Remove ReasonId
and Date from tblCustomer. tblCustomer should only contain specific
information on the customer. If you have preset static reasons for the visit
that do not change often, you could create just a Reason table (ReasonID
PK;autonumber and Reason Desc;text) that only contains the reasons and then
use your tblVisit to record the visit specifics, adding a new field such as
VisitID(PK; autonumber) along with your other fields. Thus your
relationships would look like this:

Customer is related to tblVisit via the Foriegn Key (customerID) and
tblVisit is related to tblReasons via the Foreign key (ReasonID).
Thank you for your response. If this is the case how do
you parse these back together to be used in a query,
naother form, or report? Especially since they can have
mutiple reasons. I know I need to use loop with date,
CustomerID and ReasonID.

Thanks for any inforamtion on this.