C. Pete Straman via AccessMonster.com
Thank you for your help. However, your code or mine still produce the same
result. The very first table the message box tells me that is appended
"~TMPCLP352641 Appended to 060004 Table."
I used your code below to go through the linked tables.
C. Pete Straman
PS-what is an MVP
'**** Step 3*******
'***** Appends linked tables
Private Sub cmdAppendNewTable_Click()
Dim condatabase As ADODB.Connection
Dim dbD As DAO.Database
Dim tbldef As TableDef
Dim strSQL As String
Set condatabase = CurrentProject.Connection
Set dbD = CurrentDb()
'Check if accountnumber was changed to new text-255 data type
Answer = MsgBox("Have you processed Steps 1 and 2?", _
vbYesNo + vbQuestion, "Tell me")
If Answer = vbNo Then Exit Sub
'Loop through the linked tables to find the facility number
For Each tbldef In dbD.TableDefs
If Len(tbldef.Connect) > 0 Then
'Pull data from linked tables if facilityid is found
strSQL = "INSERT INTO 060004" _
+ " SELECT accountnumber AS accountnumber, transactiondate AS
transactiondate," _
+ " financialclass AS financialclass, facilityid AS facilityid,
visitnumber AS visitnumber," _
+ " dos AS dos, facilityname AS facilityname, insname AS insname,
revenue AS revenue," _
+ " payment AS payment, adjustment AS adjustment, dosMonth AS
dosMonth, dosYear AS dosYear," _
+ " transMonth AS transMonth, transYear AS transYear, transmoyr AS
transmoyr, dosmoyr AS dosmoyr, facilitystate AS facilitystate" _
+ " FROM Dalcon" _
+ " WHERE facilityid=60004;"
condatabase.Execute strSQL
MsgBox (tbldef.Name + " Appended to 060004 Table.")
End If
'****************************Close Connection****************************
Set condatabase = Nothing
Set catDB = Nothing
End Sub
Thank you for your help. However, your code or mine still produce the same
result. The very first table the message box tells me that is appended
"~TMPCLP352641 Appended to 060004 Table."
I used your code below to go through the linked tables.
C. Pete Straman
PS-what is an MVP
'**** Step 3*******
'***** Appends linked tables
Private Sub cmdAppendNewTable_Click()
Dim condatabase As ADODB.Connection
Dim dbD As DAO.Database
Dim tbldef As TableDef
Dim strSQL As String
Set condatabase = CurrentProject.Connection
Set dbD = CurrentDb()
'Check if accountnumber was changed to new text-255 data type
Answer = MsgBox("Have you processed Steps 1 and 2?", _
vbYesNo + vbQuestion, "Tell me")
If Answer = vbNo Then Exit Sub
'Loop through the linked tables to find the facility number
For Each tbldef In dbD.TableDefs
If Len(tbldef.Connect) > 0 Then
'Pull data from linked tables if facilityid is found
strSQL = "INSERT INTO 060004" _
+ " SELECT accountnumber AS accountnumber, transactiondate AS
transactiondate," _
+ " financialclass AS financialclass, facilityid AS facilityid,
visitnumber AS visitnumber," _
+ " dos AS dos, facilityname AS facilityname, insname AS insname,
revenue AS revenue," _
+ " payment AS payment, adjustment AS adjustment, dosMonth AS
dosMonth, dosYear AS dosYear," _
+ " transMonth AS transMonth, transYear AS transYear, transmoyr AS
transmoyr, dosmoyr AS dosmoyr, facilitystate AS facilitystate" _
+ " FROM Dalcon" _
+ " WHERE facilityid=60004;"
condatabase.Execute strSQL
MsgBox (tbldef.Name + " Appended to 060004 Table.")
End If
'****************************Close Connection****************************
Set condatabase = Nothing
Set catDB = Nothing
End Sub