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Hi I want to open a database via visual basic 5
and SELECT DISTINCT field 'surname, FROM 'table' ORDER by 'surname'
and then close this database and put the results in a text file for further
In plain language -- via vb, I want to extract from a table in ms access all
surnames sorted in alphabettical order with no repeats
I know I have to go to project /references or components and tick ole db but
I can`t find this
Error is cannot find file jeterr40.chm
help please and thanks in advance
I can't help you with the specific error you're having, but let's work on
your SQL statement.

The word field isn't required in the statement, and you don't want the
quotes around the names.

SELECT DISTINCT surname FROM table ORDER BY surname

If your field or table names have embedded blanks (seldom a good idea!), you
need to surround the name with []:

SELECT DISTINCT surname, [telephone number] FROM [customer table] ORDER BY
It is a not very helpful help file with error descriptions. It should be on
your Office CD.
Why do you need it at first place?
If you are talking about an MDB database, you may set references to either
ADO or DAO libraries and use Object Browser and IntelliSense to discover
their properties and methods. If you run into a problem, you may post here a
piece of code that does not work
and somebody will gladly help you fix the problem.
