Bill Todd said:
Where can I get a list of differences between Jet SQL syntax and ANSI
standard SQL? I am trying to assess the difficulty of converting an
application that uses Access Jet as its database to another database.
Bill Todd,
Here's the Access Help Topic: "Comparison of Microsoft Jet SQL and ANSI SQL"
Are named differently, can have different definitions, and the BIT (YES/NO
fields) Access datatype has no ANSI equivalent (The ANSI BIT datatype is
something else again.
There are differences in naming between reserved and keywords in Access
vs. ANSI.
Does Not Support:
Full Outer Join
Views (fakes it with QueryDefs)
CHECK Constraint
The Output of Relational Operations are not Relations (i.e., when a Query
runs in Access, Access does not treat the resultset/recordset that comes out
of it as indistinguishable from a Table)
Vendor Extensions/Changes
The Crosstab Query (Transform/Pivot).
Uses different wildcard characters in LIKE.
JOINs are built a little differently (with mandatory "()").
PARAMETERS clause of SELECT statements.
The ability to place PARAMETERS inside a SELECT statement that directly
prompt users for information.
Slightly different BETWEEN rules.
The Help Topic named above covers the rest of it.
Chris O.