jerky vid in MM2 after split and transition added

  • Thread starter Thread starter scott
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Having a problem with video files lurching or jerking
when a split is made and a transition is added to the vid
file. Is this common?
scott said:
Having a problem with video files lurching or jerking
when a split is made and a transition is added to the vid
file. Is this common?

Well in my experience NO...but others do seem to have a lot of trouble with
it. If you think of your video, just for the sake of augment) as a long
piece of string pulled tight. When you give the instruction to split the
file in MM2, you probably realise that the actual file/string is not split
at all.

Now suppose you give the instruction for the one section of video/string to
overlay the other. Forget the fancy transitions for the moment. If you were
to play that bit of video.....the reading device, when it gets to the
overlay has to start looking at two places along our piece of string, and it
has to do it very fast indeed. An up to date modern hard drive is quite
capable of doing this provided that the two locations are not all that far
apart, as in the case of a continuos file/string laid down nice and

Now if your hard drive is fragmented (This is equivalent to cutting the
string up into unequal lengths and scattering them all around) the two
locations that the reader has to look at could be quite far apart. Also add
to this, the reader has to look at the end of the last piece it looked at,
in order to find where the next piece begins. Then throw in the transition
effect, and you've got a right old mess.

Solutions (being far from definitive)
1. Defragment your hard drive, or use a hard drive purchased just for this
job and make sure its empty prior to starting your project (This made a big
difference to me)
2. Make sure that your machine is not engaged in non essential work whilst
you are running MM2. Basically if you find a program running other than
MM2..close it down.
3. Dependent on the speed of your machine, and if you have a permanent
connection to the Internet, close down the Internet connection You may think
well I am not using it...but you are..lots of dialogues go on in the
background that you will not be aware of (Modem of whatever type to PC)
4. Consider whether or not your Pagefile is big enough (or even too
big...can be as bad as too small)
4a. With a defragmentation program try and determine if your page file is
itself fragmented. If it is and providing you have the right defrag
program...move ALL of your files to the end of the harddrive...then edit the
XP environment and tell the system to not use a Pagefile...this will make
things very slow....reboot your system...confirm that the page file has
gone....and then re-create it...I would let XP determine what size it should
be, then over ride it and make it fixed at that size...then run your defrag
program again putting all your files back where they should be....the result
will be that your page file is located close to the beginning of your hard
drive, meaning that the heads will not have to travel far to read it.
5. Go have a lie down....I am!!!

All the best