Ah, in that case, I'm not sure there's much you can do about it.
Microsoft has said "The OfficeArt text caching mechanism is "inefficient"
when by-letter or by-word animation effects are used...Using a sprite-less
animation effect (such as Appear) or simply not using by letter or by word
animation settings are the recommended workarounds."
Definitely make sure you have the latest video graphics card drivers
installed, try changing hardware acceleration
http://www.pptfaq.com/FAQ00129.htm) and make sure you have a local printer
driver installed (
http://www.pptfaq.com/FAQ00605.htm). I know that last one
especially sounds weird, but PPT 2007 relies more heavily on the installed
printer drivers for its display than previous versions of PPT did.
*** warning, completely irrelevant drivel to follow ***
And, as an aside, the Google search on the PPTFAQ homepage
http://www.pptfaq.com) just sucks lately. I've used it for years to turn up
the links in the previous paragraph -- and as recently as a couple-three
weeks ago. But now I get crap results. I don't know what they've (Google)
done, but the MSN search completely blows it away! It finds those pages
easily. Thank goodness it works! As another aside, I can't figure out how to
link to a specific post in a thread from Google Groups anymore. Dang.
*** irrelevant drivel completed ***
What's new in PPT 2007?
Fixing PowerPoint Annoyances
Steve said:
Oh, sorry, PPT 2007 on Vista.