Jeopardy Parody

Jun 13, 2005
Reaction score
A while ago I had a class topic presenting some info on the Czech Republic.

To make the topic interesing and occupy some of the time i was presenting I created Jeparody.

The game board looks pretty good, and questions disapear as you click them( This feature alone makes this version stand above others I found.). The class was impressed with the simple game and asked if I would share, I love to share.

The current topic is the Czech Republic, give it a shot.

I am partialy finished the front page, which will allow input of(up to) three players, and track scores.
Final Jeparody, and daily doubles is on the todo aswell.

Please let me know what you would wanna see.

If you like it as is, or hope by now I have finished, the application is available for download.

check it out.

The script is easily customized
-style (css sheet)

and builds it's own table, all you need to is set up an mysql database with your host*.

*I will host this service for any educators, see site for details.
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