Jeff C

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Hi Jeff
It has been almost a year. How have you been doing? Hope all is well
I have a question

Until recently my project has work very well. But (and that always sneaks in
I made my application an FE/BE. Now I get an error 3219 and not sure ho
to fix it. See code below

Private Sub Form_Open(Cancel As Integer
Dim Hold As Varian
Dim tmpKey As Lon
Dim I As Intege
Dim rs As DAO.Recordse
Dim db As DAO.Databas

On Error GoTo Error_Handle
' Prompt the user for the Password
DoCmd.OpenForm "frmPassword", acNormal, , , , acDialo
Hold = MyPasswor
' Open the table that contains the password
Set db = CurrentD
Set rs = db.OpenRecordset("tblPassword", dbOpenTable
rs.Index = "PrimaryKey
rs.Seek "=", Me.Nam
If rs.NoMatch The
MsgBox "Sorry cannot find password information. Try Again
Cancel = -
' Test to see if the key generated matches the key i
' the table; if there is not a match, stop the for
' from opening
If Not (rs![KeyCode] = KeyCode(CStr(Hold))) The
MsgBox "Sorry you entered the wrong password." &
"Try again.", vbOKOnly, "Incorrect Password
Cancel = -
End I
End I
Exit Su

MsgBox err.Description, vbOKOnly, "Error #" & err.Numbe
Exit Su
End Su

Any suggestions

Thank you for your help.
Until recently my project has work very well. But (and that always sneaks
I made my application an FE/BE. Now I get an error 3219 and not sure how
to fix it. See code below:
Set rs = db.OpenRecordset("tblPassword", dbOpenTable)

Looking at KB208379 it seems like the above line is causing the problem.


Set rs = db.OpenRecordset("tblPassword")
Set rs = db.OpenRecordset("tblPassword", dbOpenDynaset)

Jeff - I mean Peter

Was this post for me??????
It has been almost a year. How have you been doing? Hope
all is well.

I'm fine, thanks for asking!
Can't complain, family is doing well.
Finally getting some nice warmer weather....I digress...
I have a question.

I have an answer; let's do lunch.
Until recently my project has work very well. But (and
that always sneaks in) I made my application an FE/BE.
Now I get an error 3219 and not sure how
to fix it. See code below:

Well shoot, there's the problem: you "fixed" something! ;-)

This sounds like maybe something I may have helped on in
the past.

Looking at the code you no doubt are password protecting a
single form using code from the follwing KB articles:

ACC97: Create a Password Protected Form or Report

ACC2000: How to Create a Password Protected Form or Report

I'm further guessing that I must have sent you one of my
samples that takes this to the next level by not using the
InputBox as demonstrated in the articles. We probably made
a special password form that would mask the password as it
is typed and then open or not open the form depending upon
a correct password. I have several types of password
sample databases so I'm not exactly sure what I sent.
Am I still on track?
Any suggestions?

Yep. You actually have many options available to you.

1. I'm assuming you are well aware of the limitations of
a "home-grown" security system. Any person with some
Access experience could circumvent this in a heartbeat.
Implementing User Level Security is the *best* way to
properly secure an Access database. For the sake of
simplicity I'll assume you really don't need that level of

2. As you noticed the code now coughs up a hairball since
you split the database. As Peter already mentioned, this
code will now fail. The problem stems from the fact that
you cannot use the Seek function on a linked table. For
more information see the following KB article:

ACC2000: Cannot Perform OpenTable Method on
Linked/Attached Table

So the EASIEST solution is to just move the tblPassword
back into the front end and problem solved!

3. OK, maybe you want to have the tblPassword reside in
the back end along with the other tables. It is possible
to make this work, but it will require more work. Before
we start, make a BACK-UP copy (or several) of your
database before beginning.

- We don't need to change anything on frmPassword (I
think). I'm going off a lot of assumptions since I can't
see your database.

- Open the form you want to protect and go to the code

- Way up at the top in the Declarations area add this one
line of code:

Private NoOpen As Boolean

So the first three lines of your code should now look like

Option Compare Database
Option Explicit

Private NoOpen As Boolean

- I used the following KB article for a new procedure:

ACC2000: How to Use the Seek Method on Linked Tables

- Using that as a guide I made the following changes to
the Form_Open code and added a new procedure. Change your
Form_Open code to this:

Private Sub Form_Open(Cancel As Integer)
On Error GoTo ErrorPoint

Dim Hold As Variant

'Check to see if the user is passing in the Password.
DoCmd.OpenForm "frmPassword", acNormal, , , , acDialog
Hold = MyPassword
SeekAttachedTable "tblPassword", "KeyCode", _

If NoOpen = False Then
Cancel = True
End If

Exit Sub

MsgBox "The following error has occurred:" _
& vbNewLine & "Error Number: " & Err.Number _
& vbNewLine & "Error Description: " & Err.Description _
, vbExclamation, "Unexpected Error"
Resume ExitPoint

End Sub

- Now we need to add a new procedure so go down to the
bottom of the code window and copy/paste this code in:

Private Sub SeekAttachedTable(Tablename, Indexname, _
On Error GoTo ErrorPoint

Dim db As DAO.Database
Dim t As DAO.TableDef
Dim rs As DAO.Recordset
Dim dbpath As String
Dim SourceTable As String

Set db = DBEngine(0)(0)
dbpath = Mid(db(Tablename).Connect, InStr(1, _
db(Tablename).Connect, "=") + 1)
If dbpath = "" Then GoTo ExitPoint

SourceTable = db(Tablename).SourceTableName

Set db = DBEngine(0).OpenDatabase(dbpath)
Set rs = db.OpenRecordset(SourceTable, DB_OPEN_TABLE)
rs.Index = Indexname
rs.Seek "=", SearchValue

If Not rs.NoMatch Then
NoOpen = True
MsgBox "The password you have entered " _
& "is incorrect." & vbNewLine & _
"Please try again.", vbExclamation, _
"Incorrect Password"
End If

Set rs = Nothing
Set db = Nothing
Exit Sub

MsgBox "The following error has occurred:" _
& vbNewLine & "Error Number: " & Err.Number _
& vbNewLine & "Error Description: " & Err.Description _
, vbExclamation, "Unexpected Error"
Resume ExitPoint

End Sub

- Now compile the code to make sure there are no errors.

- Close and save the form and then test. When you try and
open this form, the frmPassword should pop up on screen
first before you even see the regular form. You enter the
password in the text box on that form and hit the OK
button. The frmPassword will then close. If you have
successfully entered a correct password the regular form
should now open. If an incorrect password is entered you
will see the message box and the form will not open. Works
in my test.
Thank you for your help.

You're very welcome (assuming this was even for me!)
Come back any time!

Jeff Conrad
Bend, Oregon
Thank you for your help. I worked very well
# # # #
I have a question

I have an answer; let's do lunch
# # # #

If and when ever I get a chance to go to Bend, I would Like to buy you lunch (dinner) or something

I have but two more pieces to do and I can put this behind me. I has been a long and learning process

You have been a Star on my Walk of Fame. I hope to be able to help others as you have helped me

Thanks again RK
Hi again,
Thank you for your help. It worked very well.

Good to hear!
If and when I ever get a chance to go to Bend, I would like to buy you
lunch (dinner) or something.

Well thanks, I look forward to it.
Just look for the sign as you enter Bend:

"Entering Bend - Population 55,000
....and 1 Access Junkie....
(We don't talk about him!)"
I have but two more pieces to do and I can put this behind me. I has been
a long and learning process.

Everyday is a learning process with Access!
You have been a Star on my Walk of Fame. I hope to be able to help others
as you have helped me.

Aww shucks...thanks, that's very kind of you to say!
My own Star on the Walk of Fame. Cool.
So now there will be a REASON why everyone walks all over me as they pass
Thanks again RK

You're very welcome and thank you for the kind words!

Jeff Conrad
Bend, Oregon