Steve Marshall
I am getting a DCOM error message in Event Viewer which times when it
happens coincides with my failures to load XP to desktop.
I went to the knowledge base and I am not getting much help there - they
recommend doing an XP Repair/Install procedure but using the recovery
console and installing Windows XP to get to a point where I could run
"listservices" from a command prompt.
Seems like a long ways around the block when I can view the problem in
Event Viewer but I don't understand the answer when I double click the
red error symbol.
"The service cannot be started, either because it is disabled, or
because it has no devices associated with it. Attempting to start the
Stisvc with arguments."
If that is related to WIA I do have it disabled in the Services section.
Seems unnecessary to have scanning services enabled when I do not have a
scanner installed.
happens coincides with my failures to load XP to desktop.
I went to the knowledge base and I am not getting much help there - they
recommend doing an XP Repair/Install procedure but using the recovery
console and installing Windows XP to get to a point where I could run
"listservices" from a command prompt.
Seems like a long ways around the block when I can view the problem in
Event Viewer but I don't understand the answer when I double click the
red error symbol.
"The service cannot be started, either because it is disabled, or
because it has no devices associated with it. Attempting to start the
Stisvc with arguments."
If that is related to WIA I do have it disabled in the Services section.
Seems unnecessary to have scanning services enabled when I do not have a
scanner installed.