"Daave", thanks for replying. Here are the answers to your questions:
When I click on links, they will not open. I briefly see a notation about
"javascript" in the bottom left hand corner of my screen before the "error on
page" message comes up.
What is the name of this program?
PrimeStub.com at
Assuming there is more to this message, what is the *complete* text of
the error message?
If I hold down the mouse button on the link, this message shows:

pen_window(the website URL)" When I let go of the mouse, I get
the "Error on Page" message
A website called Prime Clock (
https://primeclockonline.taserver.com) and my
banking website (I prefer not to put their URL here).
What browser are you using? If it's IE7, do the following:
Tools | Options | Security tab.
What is the security level?
Yes, I am using IE7. The security level is "medium-high".
Then, click on the "Custom level" button and scroll down to Scripting.
What are the settings for the five sub-categories?
Active Scripting: "Enable"
Allow Programmatic Clipboard Access: "Prompt"
Allow Status Bar Updates Via Script: "Disable"
Allow Websites To Prompt For Information Using Scripted Windows: "Disable"
Scripting Of Java Applets: "Enable"
What are the names of all the security programs you run?
Webroot Antivirus with Antispyware and Webroot Desktop Firewall.
I brought up the troubleshooting link Elmo suggested above, which mentioned
that possibly settings in their software could be seeing scripts as security
risks. I've sent an email to them tonight, asking about this possibility.
Have you tried running IE7 (if that's what you have!) in "No Add-Ons"
I'm sorry, "Daave", I don't know how to do that. I only know enough about
computers/programming to make me dangerous. How do I run "No Add-Ons" mode?
Have you cleared your browser cache, closed and reopened your browser?
Yes, I've tried that several times. I've even cleared everything and
completely shut my computer down and brought it up again. Doesn't help.
Thank you for the help, Daave and Elmo. Twayne, I can't help with your car.
I know even less about cars than I do about computers...
I really appreciate the help. If it turns out my firewall or antivirus
settings are the problem, I'll post the results here. Thank you!