Yesterday, I posted a question dealing with an issue of trying to
reference (from javascript on the client side) an item within a
Repeater. My code was hard-coded to use the actual ClientId, but
someone admonished me, stating that I shouldn't do that because the id
could change. However, since I'm trying to reference a control on a
Repeater line, I'm wondering how else to do that. Repeaters aren't
rendered in html are they? What method do other .Net developers use
to reference a control on a RepeaterItem when doing it from javascript?
reference (from javascript on the client side) an item within a
Repeater. My code was hard-coded to use the actual ClientId, but
someone admonished me, stating that I shouldn't do that because the id
could change. However, since I'm trying to reference a control on a
Repeater line, I'm wondering how else to do that. Repeaters aren't
rendered in html are they? What method do other .Net developers use
to reference a control on a RepeaterItem when doing it from javascript?