It is an interesting bug-or feature, I hope more knowledgeable folks will
tell and also the cure as well.
When I try to use "Full Service Scan" or any othze scan IE7 says:
"Error on page". In more details:
"Problems with this Web page might prevent it from being displayed properly
or functioning properly. In the future You can display this message by
doubleclicking the warning icon displayed in the status bar.
Expected elemnt isan object
URL: http://safety.live.com/site/en-US/default.htm"
What is it , and how am I able to use LSCenter? Putting the very site in the
"trusted sites" or disable popup doesn't help. As much as I guess, it has
something to do with Javascript (maybe), but that technical expertise is
beyond me, franky speaking.
Your reply is most appreciated.
tell and also the cure as well.
When I try to use "Full Service Scan" or any othze scan IE7 says:
"Error on page". In more details:
"Problems with this Web page might prevent it from being displayed properly
or functioning properly. In the future You can display this message by
doubleclicking the warning icon displayed in the status bar.
Expected elemnt isan object
URL: http://safety.live.com/site/en-US/default.htm"
What is it , and how am I able to use LSCenter? Putting the very site in the
"trusted sites" or disable popup doesn't help. As much as I guess, it has
something to do with Javascript (maybe), but that technical expertise is
beyond me, franky speaking.
Your reply is most appreciated.