From Memory, if you get that little 373 KB file when you then run it, then
there's a checkbox to show all the details of the major download. Select
that checkbox to show all the details. At that point you can decline the
additional language packs as well as some other optional fonts/symbols,
although it's somewhat obscure as to how to remove them, so get your
bi-focals out. The remove icon looks like a 3-D disk with a very small
yellow bar at the left of it... the accept icon looks like a disk with no
yellow bar and these are all in a hierarchical structure. Also you get
another chance to accept or reject the ubiquitous Google toolbar. I later
turned off the installation of the java update scheduler using WinPatrol,
cause I don't need anymore running processes at startup... thank you
kindly. Now's the point where you do get a big on-line download. Off
course there's always the off-line 15.18 MB download you could dump to CD
which should have everything you'll need for an install later at home.