I have a Dell Dimension 3000 with XP 95 and SP3 running. I also
run Secunia PSI. These latter informed me that Java had a lot of
insecurities and i was diriected by them to updating Java patches.
Boy Hoowdy. that was a trip and something more again! What happened
was two things:
(1) when i downloaded a patch, it ended up with a logo on my
homescreen. When i clicked there, it started to download again, as if
I had not downloaded before;
(2) the downloads were Slow Big Time, taking hours to complete
about four downloads--like I was downloading Windows or something.
QUESTION: Is there a utility i can use to download all kinds of
updates, as an unattended batch? (EG, maybe, download x and also y
and also z patch from Java or Microsoft, totally without needing me
to say: i agree to the contract, yes, run the program, etc.). Is it
from Microsoft, where can i get it? Is there a key stroke that i can
use to make my Windows xp 95 SP1 do it all unattended? Please:
Thanks a lot for your attention and your kindness
I have a Dell Dimension 3000 with XP 95 and SP3 running. I also
run Secunia PSI. These latter informed me that Java had a lot of
insecurities and i was diriected by them to updating Java patches.
Boy Hoowdy. that was a trip and something more again! What happened
was two things:
(1) when i downloaded a patch, it ended up with a logo on my
homescreen. When i clicked there, it started to download again, as if
I had not downloaded before;
(2) the downloads were Slow Big Time, taking hours to complete
about four downloads--like I was downloading Windows or something.
QUESTION: Is there a utility i can use to download all kinds of
updates, as an unattended batch? (EG, maybe, download x and also y
and also z patch from Java or Microsoft, totally without needing me
to say: i agree to the contract, yes, run the program, etc.). Is it
from Microsoft, where can i get it? Is there a key stroke that i can
use to make my Windows xp 95 SP1 do it all unattended? Please:
Thanks a lot for your attention and your kindness